Regd No. S/1166/NE/2013
Delhi bodybuilding & fitness association
It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that Mr. Darshan Singh has been elected as President and Mr. Vaibhav Sharma as the General Secretary of Delhi Body Building & Fitness Association (Regd No. S/1166/NE/2013 having its address at B-1, Main 100 Ft Road, North Chajjupur, Shahdara, Delhi 110094 have been granted affiliation of Indian Body Building & Fitness Federation (IBBFF). The IBBFF wishes best of luck.

Meet the team

Dr. Sanjay More
General Seceratory, IBBFF

Darshan singh
Vice President, IBBFF
President, DBBFA

Dilip Mendis

Vaibhav Sharma
General Secretary